Friday, January 25, 2013

House Update and the "Ann Pile"

We have made a little bit of progress with our house plans.  We have met and discussed plans with our 3 prospective contractors, filled out spec sheets, and explained why we don't want to change certain things, yes we have thought about that, but no, this is how we want it type discussions.  All three are crunching numbers and we should have bids in 1-2 weeks at the latest.  We're ready to move forward and make this dream a reality - that is until we talk to the bank.  A little nervous about that but I'm sure it will go fine.  I'm just a stingy/cheap person so spending more money at home time than we ever have before makes me nervous.

And yes, people have been telling us how much money we can safe if we GC the house ourselves, but Tim and I both no we don't have the time to do this and it would only put a whole lot of stress on our already busy lives, and the house wouldn't get done until 2014.  We might try to save some costs with painting and small stuff (painting party anyone?) but I don't see much in our horizon other than picking things out.

So that is where we are, waiting on the bids.  We have $$ amounts in our head as what it will cost, and hopefully the bids will be lower.  May the best man win.

So on to yet another corner of the kitchen organizing progress.  The "Ann Pile" or dump zone as I like to call it.  We do not have a mud/utility room, we walk smack right into our kitchen and I dump everything on my counter, and I mean everything.  Piles are made, bills are buried, and just random chaos occurs.  Now don't think it's just all my fault - my husband has his own pile or dump zone, but that is for another day.  My pile also includes all things kids as well.

So here is the before:
Not one of my most proudest moments, but it is what it was.  There are school pictures from 1 year ago, old chargers for phones we don't have, and TONS of stuff to be recycled, filed, or put in a baby book.

I didn't get to crank this out in one night - took about 3 nights as I would just tackle one pile at a time after dinner or when I could find 15 minutes of time to myself as my helpers want to keep more than I want to, I secretly have to go through things a second time.  So once I recycled a large amount of paper, shredded a lot, and put things back to where they should go or their new home in the trash can here is what I was left with............
Isn't it lovely?  And guess what - there was a counter under there after all!!  I found these 12x12 boxes at Hobby Lobby at 40% off so I think they were about $4.20/each and then that top box was from the Dollar General for $3.50.  I still need to put labels on them.  The bottom box is for my Baby Book items.  I am horrible at putting baby books together and documenting all the important dates.  In my piles there was a lot of accumulation of previous doctor visits height/weight info and such.  So, all those items plus photos and memorabilia can find a home there and I can take the whole box downstairs with me to add them to baby books when I have time.  The second box is where my stuff is - items to read, Groupons, school info etc. so easy to access and address/file/trash when done.  There are actual file folders in there - Items of Interest, File, etc.  The top box is where the chargers are hiding.  Usually I just have them plugged in, not too pretty.  I saw this box and had to have it, it has plenty of space for extra items if necessary.  So when I need them I'll get them out and put them back when done, then this leaves extra space if needed (and outlets) for a bread machine, crock pot, or whatever else.

I will admit, once I stepped backed and looked at it - I think I almost found inner peace, for a minute.  Less clutter = Happy Ann.  I am loving it!  It may only be coming together one drawer/section at a time but every little bit is making life a little less cluttered and small improvements are making big impacts - and those are what are keeping me motivated.

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